I'm just me....

Sunday, May 30, 2004


Todays college class didnt have a very big turnout, however, now that we have high school graduates that will be coming to the class later this summer or next fall I think that the church and elders and Coach and other college students need to get together to figure out how we can make this section great. I remember when I was first starting out at ACOC that the youth group wasnt very big and it continued to decrease in munbers and then we started to bring friends and now it has grown even more. So how did that happen? Activities. There are bible studies 2 days of the week along with devotionals and activities like dollar bowl for the youth group. So how can we get that incorporated into the college group? What can we do to bring interest to this class???

I remember when I was told that it would be best for me not to go to the youth group activities unless I was a sponser and unless they needed sponsers. It made me very disapointed and, sadly, my faith in God dwindled down to very little but it was because I didnt have that structure and activities that I was used to for the youth group. Now my faith is awesome and its because I am involved in some other college devotionals and bible studies that I can get the structure and fellowship from. I guess I need to work on how to incorporate that experience with my college bible group into something I can bring to the college grop here at the church.

Hehe, This is what I thought all through lunch with the nelsons and with Jermemy, any ideas for me on how we, the college group and church, can build this group up?

Saturday, May 29, 2004

God and Boys

Man, boys stink! hehe! I was told that a boy that I liked was seeing someone else, I was a little disapointed but I realized that Satan was trying to get my focus off of God and back onto boys bc he knows that I struggle with them, grrr......

On another note, my accountability partner and I aren't very good at keeping eachother accountable, probably becasue I havent really been able to see her or talk to her very much, Hmmm, any ideas of what we can do to keep each other accountable?

Once again changing topics, I tend to do that a lot, hehe, I am beat tired, I went to my cousins house and hung with her for a few hours, then I went to a friends place and helped her clean for a team meeting she was hosting and got paid for cleaning which was awesome because I need to raise 900 dollars for my truck. I just got it worked on and owe people money! Afterwards I went to my aunts house for my little sisters birthday party, she is 2 and I learned how to do a front flip off the diving board. Then I went to my dad's house for my cousins graduation party, woo hoo, go class of 2004! And we went swimming again, then I came home. whew! busy day, but its awesome that God has that energy to give to me so that I can do so much, God is good, even though I sometimes dont like how he shows me he is good! hehe, Church is tomorrow. Wonder what God will teach me then, hmmmmmmm.....

Thursday, May 27, 2004


I got an accountability partner and she even went out and bought the same bible as I have so we can be on the same page literally. It was pretty cool but I think that she is upset with me for soemthing altough I dont really know what I did but I'm sure that I did something and haven't realized I hurt her along the way. On a different note, God has been proving me that he is the Most High in this great world, and that he will take care of me when I need him the most. It is awesome to finally click and realize that you know what? I am only here to glorify God and do what he wants me to do and nothing else. I figured that out this past week when I went to a bible study on tuesday. Tomorrow or rather today seeing how it is 1 30 am on thursday morning and I cant sleep again, I think I have insomnia or something, hmmm, anyway Thursday evening I am giving my testimony to the college group at RLU, its a devotional thing for college age people, and I am a little nervous but you know what I realized? That the words I will speak tomorrow ultimately come from God as I am just a tool that he will use tomorrow night to hopefully get through to someone at RLU and there is no reason for me to worry; however, i am human and humans have fear of rejection and messing up and I am in deep fear that I will stumble and fall or mess up and that I will get rejected, funny how that happens, you can be so sure of yourself one minute and the next you doubt yourself 10 fold, guess I have a lot of work to do to get my mind into a jesus like mind fram the majority of the time, although I am glad that I have an accountability partner, I only hope this is going to work for we both need to grow in Christ more and learn to depend and lean on Him, God for everything.

Friday, May 21, 2004

New Blog Style

Wow! I was looking online at a friends blog and found that there was comments! I was so excited, so I thought to come here and check my blog out and change some thigns around, its kinda cool all the things that I am able to do now!

This weekend I am going to Canyon Lake TX to have an awesome retreat with my college devotional group that I go to on thursdays, It should be awesome!

Saturday, May 01, 2004

alright, i wrote this long post or entry about the church's outreach effort and everything and then i got a stinkin virus on the computer and it shut the whole computer down and it didnt save my post so now im writing here... lol my computer is up and running and im scanning the computer now for that stinkin virus, ill have to write more another day
