I'm just me....

Sunday, August 14, 2005

gift to build a church... not for me

ANOTHER COMMENT FROM SAME PERSON: "This was a great response, and I Praise God that you answered in the manner that you did. Slow to anger... I think. as you may know trials come from every walk of life and it is not possible to survive without a nudge from God. This blog can be used as such an amazing source to reach souls for Christ... and since you say I have no right to post unless I drive though NM then I suppose I do, since I live in NM. I would also like for you to note that it is not by Good works that we shall enter the Kingdom of God, but through Faith. Faith is the most important thing. And developing it is Crucial. If God's will for your life were to pack your bags, forget your career that you studied for and leave to pioneer a church w/ your husband (if and when married)... would you be willing to leave everything behind and just go??? Again these are merely challenges that have been placed in my heart to ask you. It is great that people see the love of God shine through you... and hopefully you pray daily and dedicate your first hours to him... like it says in the Bible.. "Early I will seek you!" Well I need to go to bed so that I can wake up early to go to church.. But God bless and Strengthen you.. and give you knowledge through his word."


If my gift were to start a church and i was actually called to do it, then of course id be on that path to making that church happen... however, that is not one of my gifts.... god has called me to help witness to people that will be hurtung through occupational therapy (the major im in) but i thank you for being concerned enough to question me again though....

however, this blog is inactive and will not be used again after this bout of posts has finished... i keep the blog "active" (where im not deleting it) to remind me of things that i have been going through at this particular stage in life.... Thank you again though and enjoy church tomorrow

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Sorry... I dont know you so please withdraw the last few lines about witnessing in person unless you drive from NM then please feel free to witness

Questioning my faith?

So this is what my comments say to me: "Where is God In Your Blog??? Not very Christian like to not use this site to reach other people by witnessing or praising God?? Or do you only call on God when you need him? Where is your Cross? Do you pick it up daily or do you live off of someone elses salvation? Are you truly living for God? When was the last time you honestly witnessed to somebody? When was the last time you studied God's word on your own? Are you honestly going to make Heaven your home? "Life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow." What are you doing to Advance the Kingdom of God? are you even trying? What if God tried as much to help you as you try to help him? Questioning your salvation right about now? I encourage you to light the fire you once had. Serve Jesus and stand and fight... because one day it will be today, and what will you tell God when the day of the White throne Judgement comes? "for it is apponted once for a man to die, and then the judgement."


It has been brought to my attention that I am not a Christian.... Hmmm.... True quite times in the word as you say.... Almost everyday.... Witnessing to someone... Everyday at work, I wait tables for a restraunt and most of my customers know I am a Christian by my attitude and also taking shop about god and what not.... I've invited them to church and just yesterday, as this is any of your business anyway, I helped a couple find a church home.... And if u haven't noticed it is Aug and my last post was April... Hence showing this blog isn't very active anymore

no I do Not just call on him when I need him, I know that I don't have the good without the bad and I try to call on him every chance I get.... I'm not the greatest Christian but who is.... Are you? hmm

oh yes heaven is my home.... I'm working full time, getting a masters at 20! And living for Jesus. Of course everyday is a battle and you should know, every Christian has a winding and uphill battle...Sometimes I'm on the path and sometimes I stray but not too long.... That's when god shows me I cant do it on my own.... I don't have time to blog as you can tell with the last post's length and date.....

no I'm not questioning my salvation right now.. But I thank you for bringing it up as you might think you know who I am.... And if you are someone that does know me.... Witnessing might work better in person as a concerned friend....

what will I tell god at the throne? Forgive me for I have sinned all my life and thank you for loving me enough to wash it away.....