This was a great response, and I Praise God that you answered in the manner that you did. Slow to anger... I think. as you may know trials come from every walk of life and it is not possible to survive without a nudge from God. This blog can be used as such an amazing source to reach souls for Christ... and since you say I have no right to post unless I drive though NM then I suppose I do, since I live in NM. I would also like for you to note that it is not by Good works that we shall enter the Kingdom of God, but through Faith. Faith is the most important thing. And developing it is Crucial. If God's will for your life were to pack your bags, forget your career that you studied for and leave to pioneer a church w/ your husband (if and when married)... would you be willing to leave everything behind and just go??? Again these are merely challenges that have been placed in my heart to ask you. It is great that people see the love of God shine through you... and hopefully you pray daily and dedicate your first hours to him... like it says in the Bible.. "Early I will seek you!" Well I need to go to bed so that I can wake up early to go to church.. But God bless and Strengthen you.. and give you knowledge through his word.
This was a great response, and I Praise God that you answered in the manner that you did. Slow to anger... I think. as you may know trials come from every walk of life and it is not possible to survive without a nudge from God. This blog can be used as such an amazing source to reach souls for Christ... and since you say I have no right to post unless I drive though NM then I suppose I do, since I live in NM. I would also like for you to note that it is not by Good works that we shall enter the Kingdom of God, but through Faith. Faith is the most important thing. And developing it is Crucial. If God's will for your life were to pack your bags, forget your career that you studied for and leave to pioneer a church w/ your husband (if and when married)... would you be willing to leave everything behind and just go??? Again these are merely challenges that have been placed in my heart to ask you. It is great that people see the love of God shine through you... and hopefully you pray daily and dedicate your first hours to him... like it says in the Bible.. "Early I will seek you!" Well I need to go to bed so that I can wake up early to go to church.. But God bless and Strengthen you.. and give you knowledge through his word.
Anonymous, at 2:07 AM
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