I'm just me....

Thursday, February 26, 2004

God is good, my uncle is staying with us and he asked me to pray with him tonight.... And to be honest, I was like.. Man, I have to do this with him... Yuck.... So I had planned to make it sweet and simple.... But when I started I just opened my heart and let it all come out.... I came back in my room about 20 min later... And I feel so much better.... I realized that I'm not alone as I thought I was and that I should take my own advice that I've been dishing out to stingy and Casey and my uncle and start living my life that way god needs me to live it.... Honoring him and glorifying him.... I think that in a way my prayer to him was from him... Does that make sense? I think that by me praying to him with my uncle that my uncle got a lot more out of it than he thought he was getting out of it... .Man god is great! Thank you lord for loving me!


Monday, February 23, 2004

Ever have a day where u feel like you are going on auto pilot? Yup well I think these past few weeks I am just going through the motions and being on auto pilot... Maybe ill get out of it soon....

don't have anything to write really.... But just wanted to keep u posted with something...


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Things are crazy, trying to juggle 18 hrs of school, 20 hrs of work, church, and extra curricular activities... And studying for all the tests I'm having... Plus family life isn't going too great... But if you aren't struggling then you aren't growing right? Guess I should be growing out the wazoo! LOL have a great night see everyone at church tomorrow night!


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

This is going to be very short for I have had a rough couple of days.

isn't it amazing how God can use you as a tool for his word? I was talking with a friend and now that she signed off I have no clue how I even remember the words I had spoken to her, They certainly were NOT my words at all....

I think when I have these moments to see what god uses me for I am just amazed at the power he has... It is awesome, it really is

1corinthians 13:4 "love is patient, love is kind...."

What do you do when your world is falling apart and there seems to be nothing you can do about it except to look up to see God?

My world is falling apart but there isnt anything i can do except to look to god for help. But i want to help my family and im scared that my faith isnt that strong to just lift it all up to him... Im scared that ill just have to sit back and watch my world crumble around me...

On the flip side, my mom told me that i helped my uncle live a bit longer by talking with him about god and bringing him to church, that was a little good news, for thoses of you that dont know, my uncle is legally blind and has hit rock bottom and was jsut admitted to a psych ward this evening because he was talking of sucide and had trashed his apartment. having that little light shone to me letting me know that my work from god isnt going to waste made the news my mom gave me a little more bearable.

I went to a bible study today, the topic was where we put our trust... it was good, i was able to see that i need to lean on God more.


Sunday, February 08, 2004

WOW! I have been neglecting my blog for a week or two and when I came on it tonight I saw 11 comments on an entry last month. I was like yippie I have people reading my blog! Only to come to see that the 1st two were horrible and then the next ones were an argument about my faith and such... Whew! They are on archived if you want to read them but I'm sure that there will be more.... Who knows maybe I can reach someone then....

Well school is kicking my rear end... I have so much work I need to do and so little time, it reminds me of that song on KSBJ... "My cell phones ringing and I'm running late.... I just need a little more time in my day.." But instead of time the singer says something about needing more faith.... I guess I need more faith that God will bring me through it!

Ever feel like what you are doing isn't enough for your parents approval? I am trying and trying to get my dad to notice me and my hard work, but he doesn't seem to care. I called him last week and told my aunt it was URGENT for him to call me back ASAP, well a week went by and I called him Friday, My aunt said he just went out to the store, again I asked for him to call me back ASAP... He didn't call.. But my step mom called the next day... Why cant my dad ever call me? He hasn't called my phone once since he moved down, and when he does call the house phone and I answer he's like "let me talk to your brother" no hello or how are you or nothing, I feel like I'm not even his daughter anymore.... Then when I told him I got back into fencing, he was like "do you think you can ever get to where you left off? You put so much work into it for nothing, and you really think you can get back up to par?" SO why cant parents be supportive... Bah!


Please help Deprived to see where I am coming from and to give him the peace that he is searching for. I ask that you show him your kind spirit and loving nature. I also ask that you give my dad the same peace that I have in you Lord. Please give me the strength to still try to get through to him.
