I'm just me....

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

What do you do when your world is falling apart and there seems to be nothing you can do about it except to look up to see God?

My world is falling apart but there isnt anything i can do except to look to god for help. But i want to help my family and im scared that my faith isnt that strong to just lift it all up to him... Im scared that ill just have to sit back and watch my world crumble around me...

On the flip side, my mom told me that i helped my uncle live a bit longer by talking with him about god and bringing him to church, that was a little good news, for thoses of you that dont know, my uncle is legally blind and has hit rock bottom and was jsut admitted to a psych ward this evening because he was talking of sucide and had trashed his apartment. having that little light shone to me letting me know that my work from god isnt going to waste made the news my mom gave me a little more bearable.

I went to a bible study today, the topic was where we put our trust... it was good, i was able to see that i need to lean on God more.



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