Its not cool to be all about hyp
Or critical. I have been thinking lately about what parts of our lives are fake and what parts are genuine. I don't want to dwell on the fakeness because I would rather concentrate on things that are real. I realize that being 100% genuine might be kind of scarey, but being fake is just downright silly. Who are we really kidding besides ourselves. I'm sorry but if we are faking it until we make it, we may actually run out of time. So let's be real all of the time and see what that looks and feels like. If we are naturally sweet then we should have no problems. If we are mean and nasty then lets be that when we leave home too until we get so sick of who we have become, we decide to be who we were created to be. I don't think anyone was born mean and nasty. I think I might have been born moody, but I'm working on that. I don't want to be or pretend to be something that I'm not anymore. I want to be the same inside and out. Not just a candy coating type person. I personally do not like tootsie roll centers. I want to be solid through and through everywhere I go and to everyone I come in contact with. I don't think it's optional.
Dude Danielle, I wish I could figure out why you are in such a warped mood tonight. You've helped me through so much the past few years. You're the best friend I have ever had. The only one who was truely ever there for me. You are an awesome person in my eyes, and a fabulous person in God's eyes. Without you having an influence in my life, I probly would not be the type of person I turned out to be. You have seen me in the good, and in the bad times of my life, and you know that with God in your life all things are possible. You need to put worry and doubt behind you. Let God lead you in the way he planned for you. It's your life, but you owe it to yourself, and everyone around you to be the best Danielle you can be. Throughout the past, present, and future, I will always be here if you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. I care about you, and want the best for you. Just take care of yourself hun. You shouldn't let the devil get you down. You are better then you could ever imagine. Someday, you will have all you ever dreamed of. Maybe not in this life, but in the next. When we are all up in Heaven with Jesus playing a little Baseball and watching the angels catch the fly balls into center field. There will be no losers, and no winners. That's the way God intended our lives to be. Everyone has a chance to play, and nobody will ever be left out. I know I am probly rambling, cause that is what sick people who are doped up on cough syrup do, but I love you girl, you're a great friend. If ya need me to talk to, you have my number, and you have all my email addresses, all my screen names, you know how to reach me. ---Your buddy 4 lyfe, Danny
Anonymous, at 11:44 PM
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees...
May you and I continue to learn during the hard times you and I face.
Jeremy, at 12:10 PM
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