20 years past, 20 more to go....
today is my 20th birthday.
its very exciting. i am no longer then teenager of the house anymore.
Life is good. As i look back on the past 19 years of my life, Its strange to see what I have done and how far I have came from when I frist started being a teen at 13.... I remember being this dork or a kid, and now i have grown up, its kinda cool God has done some amazing wonders in my life, Thanks God for giving me another year...
its very exciting. i am no longer then teenager of the house anymore.
Life is good. As i look back on the past 19 years of my life, Its strange to see what I have done and how far I have came from when I frist started being a teen at 13.... I remember being this dork or a kid, and now i have grown up, its kinda cool God has done some amazing wonders in my life, Thanks God for giving me another year...
Where is God In Your Blog??? Not very Christian like to not use this site to reach other people by witnessing or praising God?? Or do you only call on God when you need him? Where is your Cross? Do you pick it up daily or do you live off of someone elses salvation? Are you truly living for God? When was the last time you honestly witnessed to somebody? When was the last time you studied God's word on your own? Are you honestly going to make Heaven your home? "Life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow." What are you doing to Advance the Kingdom of God? are you even trying? What if God tried as much to help you as you try to help him? Questioning your salvation right about now? I encourage you to light the fire you once had. Serve Jesus and stand and fight... because one day it will be today, and what will you tell God when the day of the White throne Judgement comes? "for it is apponted once for a man to die, and then the judgement."
Anonymous, at 4:35 AM
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