Lost findings
Have you ever lost something? You know you have seen it laying around, but can't seem to find it. You look in every drawer, under every piece of furniture, and in every cabinet. The harder you look, the more frustrated you become. You know it is right where you left it, but you can't seem to remember where that is. You know the object didn't move, but you can't find it. You say "I know it didn't just get up and walk away." You stop and try to retrace your steps, but still have no luck. Maybe if you had one of those beepy key finder things it would be easier to find. Finally when you least expect it, whatever you were looking for turns up.
Sometimes I think I need one of those beepy key finder things to find Jesus. I know He is probably right where I left Him. He didn't move or walk away, I left Him somewhere and forgot to pick Him up and take Him with me. Maybe I left Him in a drawer with my fears, under my couch filled with doubt or in my cabinet where I keep my complacency and laziness. I stop and try to figure out where and when I left Him, but that doesn't work. Hopefully, one day He will surprise me and just show up. Hopefully, while I was looking for Him under all of my "stuff" I decided to clean it out so that He will be easier to find from now on. Hopefully, I did enough cleaning that He will be out there in plain site from now on. Hopefully.
I am at a point in my life right now where I seem to question everything. I question everything about myself, those around me and God. I don't actually verbalize these questions to anyone, but they are constantly running around in my head. I mean, I can't actually ask someone my questions about God because then that would mean that I am not as "mature" and "spiritual" as I may appear to be. My life seems to be filled with doubts and questions. There are so many things going on around me that don't make sense. Things where you have to sit back and say "God, what are you thinking?" I mean, is this all there is to life? There has to be more. There has to be so much more. I used to believe there was more. I used to have faith and hope in a future and in a God that hears me and answers my prayers. But did I?
"Lord, please reveal yourself to me again. I need a miracle in my spiritual life. I want to once again hunger and thirst after You. I long to once again hear Your still small voice and know You. Restore to me the passion that I once had for You. Lord, I don't have the faith to believe that this can even happen. Please Lord, help me to believe again."
Sometimes I think I need one of those beepy key finder things to find Jesus. I know He is probably right where I left Him. He didn't move or walk away, I left Him somewhere and forgot to pick Him up and take Him with me. Maybe I left Him in a drawer with my fears, under my couch filled with doubt or in my cabinet where I keep my complacency and laziness. I stop and try to figure out where and when I left Him, but that doesn't work. Hopefully, one day He will surprise me and just show up. Hopefully, while I was looking for Him under all of my "stuff" I decided to clean it out so that He will be easier to find from now on. Hopefully, I did enough cleaning that He will be out there in plain site from now on. Hopefully.
I am at a point in my life right now where I seem to question everything. I question everything about myself, those around me and God. I don't actually verbalize these questions to anyone, but they are constantly running around in my head. I mean, I can't actually ask someone my questions about God because then that would mean that I am not as "mature" and "spiritual" as I may appear to be. My life seems to be filled with doubts and questions. There are so many things going on around me that don't make sense. Things where you have to sit back and say "God, what are you thinking?" I mean, is this all there is to life? There has to be more. There has to be so much more. I used to believe there was more. I used to have faith and hope in a future and in a God that hears me and answers my prayers. But did I?
"Lord, please reveal yourself to me again. I need a miracle in my spiritual life. I want to once again hunger and thirst after You. I long to once again hear Your still small voice and know You. Restore to me the passion that I once had for You. Lord, I don't have the faith to believe that this can even happen. Please Lord, help me to believe again."
Um, woah...
You are having sentiments I've had for a long time. I've questioned "what does God want", "why do people teach God differently", "What does God do?"...these are just minor, surface questions I can think of off the top of my head. For the first time in 2 years, I am actually experiencing joy and ... I guess "freedom or liberty" while on Freed-Hardeman's campus. Over the past two years, I depended on people to tell me what to do to be the best christian possible. I looked to books, preachers, family, school, friends, pop-evagelist to give me the meaning of christianity. Everyone had a different opinions. Since I relied on these different opinions to be my foundation for christianity, I found myself building a house in quick sand. I had very few opinions that were my own. Just recently, I've been introduced to the concept of Absolute Truth. This states that there are universal truths, not everything is relative. I've been picking up absolute truths from God's word and I've found myself unshaken when I've been confronted by people who have different opinions from what I know. I guess I say this all to ask if you have an absolute truth. How's your foundation. What do you absolutely KNOW about God, His son, and His word. Would discovering this help with you actions and questions?
Because of Our Sympathetic High Priest,
Jeremy, at 2:44 PM
Hi Danielle, just happened to come across your blog - hope you don't mind me posting a comment, but I just wanted to share a verse with you: Jeremiah 29:11...says that God has great plans for YOUR life and He has a great plan for YOUR future!
I understand exactly how you feel (having been there myself)....I heard someone once say 'if God seems far away - who's moved?' I often think of the story in Luke 15 (about the prodigal son). I always think it's a great illustration, as no matter how we are feeling, or what we've done, or how far we've wandered - God is always there, holding out His arms, and saying 'welcome home My child'.
God loves YOU more than you can imagine!
Someone once asked Jesus "how much do you love me?" "This much, He said, and He stretched out His arms and died".
Hang in there! Believe me - it's worth it, and you'll be glad that you did!! Following God has been the best decision that I've ever made - and you'll never lose out if you put Him first! Don't be afraid to ask your questions either...find someone you trust and have a chat with them.
Sometimes, the best thing to do, is just find a quiet place on your own and talk to God (I find it helps me!). Be honest with Him too - He doesn't mind - and He knows it all anyway. He's always there, and He's always listening to you.....and He loves you!
I'll be praying for you...
Penelope, at 1:39 PM
Hey Danielle- I just wanted to let you know that I love you.
Everyone questions; everyone wonders and everyone doesn't understand. No one has all the answers and no one is worthy of God's love-That's why we have Christ.
It's ok to ask questions- thats how we grow. Don't be afraid! I love you and want to talk to you if you have questions!
Mandy, at 12:55 PM
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