A two way street?? (signal when merging)
Here we all are,
just blogging our little fingers off.
Is this communication?
We talk, we email, we phone.
We sing, laugh, cry & shout.
We pray, we curse.
We jump, we stomp, we smile, we pout.
We are coached on our communications..... "stand up sraight, speak loud, make eye contact."
We are cautioned in our ways, "you better not pout, you better not cry..."
We are rewarded, "....album sales topped 3 million today...."
We are punished, "bar of soap where...!"
Through our words and actions we make war and we make peace.
Still, we talk - talk - talk.....
What is this drive, this need we humans have to connect and communicate? Since before recorded time, man was a "packing animal." We have sought each other out and communicated. The bible says we all spoke the same language unitl that little "tower of Babel incident." The United Nations is now a muddled hornets nest of translators and teleprompters. Yet we can come together in the universal languages of music, art, sporting competion and love.
What is it we want when we communicate?
Is it to propogate our thoughts, ideas and opinions?
Is it to share and perhaps strenghthen our ideals?
Does sharing the pain lessen it through spreading it around?
Does sharing the joy cause it to grow?
Do we communicate to understand?
Or do we communicate just to connect because we need it?
Go out and communicate, it's good for the human race !!
Here we all are,
just blogging our little fingers off.
Is this communication?
We talk, we email, we phone.
We sing, laugh, cry & shout.
We pray, we curse.
We jump, we stomp, we smile, we pout.
We are coached on our communications..... "stand up sraight, speak loud, make eye contact."
We are cautioned in our ways, "you better not pout, you better not cry..."
We are rewarded, "....album sales topped 3 million today...."
We are punished, "bar of soap where...!"
Through our words and actions we make war and we make peace.
Still, we talk - talk - talk.....
What is this drive, this need we humans have to connect and communicate? Since before recorded time, man was a "packing animal." We have sought each other out and communicated. The bible says we all spoke the same language unitl that little "tower of Babel incident." The United Nations is now a muddled hornets nest of translators and teleprompters. Yet we can come together in the universal languages of music, art, sporting competion and love.
What is it we want when we communicate?
Is it to propogate our thoughts, ideas and opinions?
Is it to share and perhaps strenghthen our ideals?
Does sharing the pain lessen it through spreading it around?
Does sharing the joy cause it to grow?
Do we communicate to understand?
Or do we communicate just to connect because we need it?
Go out and communicate, it's good for the human race !!
Interesting thought. It made think of a few verses, here are some...
James 3:9-10
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. [10] Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.
Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Because of the High Priest,
Jeremy, at 7:08 PM
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