Name: Danielle
Nick Names: Danie
Birthday: April 29
Age: 18
Born in: houston, Texas
City/State you live in: Alvin, Texas
Heritage/Background: I am adopted
Do you wear contacts or glasses? 20/20 vision
Shoes or no Shoes: depends
Socks or no socks: depends
Do you like yourself? sometimes a little too much!
Most Embarrassing Moment: oh, there are alot of those!
Your future kids names: Ashleigh danyell
Ice Cream: peach
Food: fruit
Dessert: strawberries
Candy: turtles
Gum: eclipse or Orbit
Beverage: sweet tea or, Dr. Pepper
Time of Day: clear night that i can see the stars
Movie: patch adams
Actress: julia roberts
Actor: robin williams
Place to visit: Europr to evanglize about god
Salad Dressing: lemon juice
Color: blue
Color to Wear: red or orange
Thing To Wear: jeans and a shirt of some kind
Sport to watch: football
Quote: worry looks around sorrow looks back and faith looks up!
Dream Car: One that has AC and heat and runs!
Do you want to have kids: sure
What would their name(s) be: Ashleigh
Are you going to College: yup
Married or single: i want to get married one day
House or apartment: house
The last person you talked to on the phone: banium
Best Smile: that's a hard one....
Craziest: lots of them
Loudest: kasey
Best Buddie: I have lots!
Funniest: megan and Coy
Your largest age difference in a relationship? 2 yrs
Have you ever been in love? yes
Turn on(s)? Eyes, Smile, and Personality
Best feature(s)? looking in their bag and finding their bible
Kind of Kiss? the ones on the forhead that shows they care
Love at first sight? maybe but i havent had it
Do you get along with the opposite sex? OF COURSE!
Cheated on a test? yea
Skinny dipped? no
Been on a blind date? no
Been on a talk show/Game show? no
Been in a fight? yeah
Been out of the U.S.? no
Been on a plane? yep
Come close to dying? no
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? yeah
Eaten a worm/mud pie? probably did when I was younger
Shot a gun? does a fake gun count?
Your good luck charm: GOD
The most embarrassing CD in your collection: mother gooses collection of rhymes and songs! hehe
Your favorite thing for breakfast: im in college: cold pizza lol
Your favorite thing for lunch: chicken!
Your favorite thing for dinner: home cookin from mama!
Your favorite Restaurant: Joes crab shack
Your favorite CD: the new one dale made me for being reborn!!
Coke or Pepsi: Dr Pepper
Oranges or apples: strawberries!
One pillow or two: 2
Blondes or brunettes: both
Tall or short: depends if your a girl or guy
TV or radio: radio
Solid or Stripes: solid
T-shirt or Tank top: t-shirt
Cookies or Cake: i want my cake adn eat it too
Movies or TV: movies
McDonalds or Burger King: neither, i like ACC diner
Dairy Queen or TCBY: DQ all the way
Day or Night: Night
Swing or Slide: swing
Never loving at all or loving someone and losing them: lovin' and losin'
Chinese or Japanese: chinese
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
Silver or gold: silver or white gold
Alone or together: together
Summer or Winter: spring
Shower or Bath: shower
A Vegetarian? not really....
A Good Student? sure
Good At Sports? in fencing oh yeah!
A good Actor/Actress? only by dragging it out
A good singer? nope cant sing my way out of a paper bag
A deep sleeper? yes!
Shy? riiiiiight
Outgoing? all the time
A good storyteller? of course!
Happy? of course! I've got Jesus, why wouldn't I not be happy?
Stitches? no
Bloody nose? nope
Cancer? no
Heart Attack? no
Broken Bones? yup i hit a tree tubing on the snow
Enjoy parks? yeah
Like Picnic? yeah, they rock
Like School? there are somethings i could live w/o
Collect anything? teddybears im collecting the care bears for anyone reading this B4 my B-day!
Like to sing? yup but others dont like it when i do.. :)
Like to shop? depends on who it's with
Do You Like Roller Coasters? yep Astroworld here i come!
Eat a live baby hamster for a million dollars? no
Ever get a tattoo? i dunno
Ever get any body parts pierced? my ears
If you were stuck on a planet which one person would you want with you? can jesus come back then?
If someone offered you a small part in a movie would you except? sure
Where do you live? Texas
How much money do you have right now? a 2 dollar bill
What advice can you give? believe in GOD, he can pull you out of anythign you get yourself stick in!
You have a secret you have never shared with anyone? yep
Have you eaten in a restaurant alone? only when they leave me to go to the potty
Have you gone to a movie alone? nope
Does life treat you well? most of the time
Do you cry easily? sometimes
Your first name spelled backward is? elleinad
Name: Danielle
Nick Names: Danie
Birthday: April 29
Age: 18
Born in: houston, Texas
City/State you live in: Alvin, Texas
Heritage/Background: I am adopted
Do you wear contacts or glasses? 20/20 vision
Shoes or no Shoes: depends
Socks or no socks: depends
Do you like yourself? sometimes a little too much!
Most Embarrassing Moment: oh, there are alot of those!
Your future kids names: Ashleigh danyell
Ice Cream: peach
Food: fruit
Dessert: strawberries
Candy: turtles
Gum: eclipse or Orbit
Beverage: sweet tea or, Dr. Pepper
Time of Day: clear night that i can see the stars
Movie: patch adams
Actress: julia roberts
Actor: robin williams
Place to visit: Europr to evanglize about god
Salad Dressing: lemon juice
Color: blue
Color to Wear: red or orange
Thing To Wear: jeans and a shirt of some kind
Sport to watch: football
Quote: worry looks around sorrow looks back and faith looks up!
Dream Car: One that has AC and heat and runs!
Do you want to have kids: sure
What would their name(s) be: Ashleigh
Are you going to College: yup
Married or single: i want to get married one day
House or apartment: house
The last person you talked to on the phone: banium
Best Smile: that's a hard one....
Craziest: lots of them
Loudest: kasey
Best Buddie: I have lots!
Funniest: megan and Coy
Your largest age difference in a relationship? 2 yrs
Have you ever been in love? yes
Turn on(s)? Eyes, Smile, and Personality
Best feature(s)? looking in their bag and finding their bible
Kind of Kiss? the ones on the forhead that shows they care
Love at first sight? maybe but i havent had it
Do you get along with the opposite sex? OF COURSE!
Cheated on a test? yea
Skinny dipped? no
Been on a blind date? no
Been on a talk show/Game show? no
Been in a fight? yeah
Been out of the U.S.? no
Been on a plane? yep
Come close to dying? no
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? yeah
Eaten a worm/mud pie? probably did when I was younger
Shot a gun? does a fake gun count?
Your good luck charm: GOD
The most embarrassing CD in your collection: mother gooses collection of rhymes and songs! hehe
Your favorite thing for breakfast: im in college: cold pizza lol
Your favorite thing for lunch: chicken!
Your favorite thing for dinner: home cookin from mama!
Your favorite Restaurant: Joes crab shack
Your favorite CD: the new one dale made me for being reborn!!
Coke or Pepsi: Dr Pepper
Oranges or apples: strawberries!
One pillow or two: 2
Blondes or brunettes: both
Tall or short: depends if your a girl or guy
TV or radio: radio
Solid or Stripes: solid
T-shirt or Tank top: t-shirt
Cookies or Cake: i want my cake adn eat it too
Movies or TV: movies
McDonalds or Burger King: neither, i like ACC diner
Dairy Queen or TCBY: DQ all the way
Day or Night: Night
Swing or Slide: swing
Never loving at all or loving someone and losing them: lovin' and losin'
Chinese or Japanese: chinese
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
Silver or gold: silver or white gold
Alone or together: together
Summer or Winter: spring
Shower or Bath: shower
A Vegetarian? not really....
A Good Student? sure
Good At Sports? in fencing oh yeah!
A good Actor/Actress? only by dragging it out
A good singer? nope cant sing my way out of a paper bag
A deep sleeper? yes!
Shy? riiiiiight
Outgoing? all the time
A good storyteller? of course!
Happy? of course! I've got Jesus, why wouldn't I not be happy?
Stitches? no
Bloody nose? nope
Cancer? no
Heart Attack? no
Broken Bones? yup i hit a tree tubing on the snow
Enjoy parks? yeah
Like Picnic? yeah, they rock
Like School? there are somethings i could live w/o
Collect anything? teddybears im collecting the care bears for anyone reading this B4 my B-day!
Like to sing? yup but others dont like it when i do.. :)
Like to shop? depends on who it's with
Do You Like Roller Coasters? yep Astroworld here i come!
Eat a live baby hamster for a million dollars? no
Ever get a tattoo? i dunno
Ever get any body parts pierced? my ears
If you were stuck on a planet which one person would you want with you? can jesus come back then?
If someone offered you a small part in a movie would you except? sure
Where do you live? Texas
How much money do you have right now? a 2 dollar bill
What advice can you give? believe in GOD, he can pull you out of anythign you get yourself stick in!
You have a secret you have never shared with anyone? yep
Have you eaten in a restaurant alone? only when they leave me to go to the potty
Have you gone to a movie alone? nope
Does life treat you well? most of the time
Do you cry easily? sometimes
Your first name spelled backward is? elleinad
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